Professional Services Marketing Support

for thinkers & thought leaders.

Three Stacks Full is for
professionals, advisors & business owners
who know they need a marketing mindset on their team.


👉 #Next level your articles, blogs and social content so that you get attention from clients you want (without reinventing the wheel).

Copywriting. Editing. Media Releases. Content & Distribution Strategies. Social Media Post Development & Repurposing - think easy to digest, visuals + infographics, headings & less text.

👉 Capture your experience [REGULARLY]
and create case studies that tell a story. #nomoreboringbulletlists

Portfolio Development.
Experience Collection Projects.
Regular Case Study Development.

👉 Own your personal brand. Refine profiles so your unique experience isn’t hidden behind education & generic copy.

Long & short form tailored Profiles.
Website Bios. Speaker Profiles. Call to Action Statements.
Social Media Profiles.


Hello! I’m Jess Hadley.

JessProfile (3).png

“Be visible, be authentic & have an impact.”


I help professionals wanting to grow.

Grow their online presence. Grow a personal brand. Grow their audience.

If that’s you - and you’re writing articles, presenting, twittering but getting nowhere and now you’re wondering what clubhouse is …Good news you’re here.

Adhoc, unloved, and DIY approaches to growth and profile raising aren’t particularly effective when you want to look professional and grow your practice. It’s a tough slog if you hate it too.

Unfortunately, sometimes it can be just as much effort to outsource it - it’s hard to find someone with professional services experience (especially in legal) - that understands both marketing AND the technical nature of what you do - as well as the value you create.

Lucky You.. That’s me!

I have worked in-house with hundreds of lawyers, consultants, and business owners and I now I help professionals get their marketing right. How? By repurposing their content making it go as far as possible, capturing their experience in case studies, making sure profiles and capability documents ring true to the client’s needs and sound authentic (not salesy).

For many professionals, marketing/BD isn’t something they understand or enjoy - for me, it’s something I naturally do. (Hint: It’s also easier for me because I’m not ‘in’ your business.)

I’ve helped launch new services, run paid advertising campaigns and assisted businesses/associations to begin using new marketing channels (ahem.. when they think they might “do” some LinkedIn or “Instatwittering”). But first - the foundations have to be there or it could all be a flop.

If you’d like some help standing out from (or catching-up to) the professionals you’re competing with - give me a ring.


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