Services: How I can help?


Bespoke Once-Off or Ongoing Projects

From tenders and cap stats to social media management, thought leadership development, event-based marketing support and paid advertising campaigns I can help.

Doing marketing projects when you’re not a marketer can be a drain on energy, resources and confidence. It’s also daunting and time consuming finding, comparing and managing outsourced providers (especially when you don’t speak their jargon and they don’t understand yours) - so just use one.. me.

WorkThru Meetings

Have a Business Development / Marketing mind tag into your next meeting to bounce ideas around with, get feedback, brainstorm opportunities and shape your next steps.

What could you do? When?
What shouldn’t you do? What are others doing?
How can we ensure it’s effective?

Outsourced Marketing/BD Support

Marketing/BD advice when you need it. I effectively step in as your marketing & BD personal trainer.

We agree a set of goals, priorities and projects that will meet them and match your budgets (time & $). We meet regularly to progress through them and navigate anything else that pops up along the way.

You’re top of mind between meetings, I work to monitor opportunities and progress projects behind the scenes. We meet regularly - prepared with any research, updates, decisions & ideas.

** strictly limited availability.


What do my Services Look Like?

Given my varied background, I can work with clients in a range of ways. Here’s some examples of how I’ve stepped in:

  • content strategy implementation so that your blog/resources section doesn’t sit empty for months, your articles get the airtime they deserve (and in some cases critique help them hit the mark) and you know what is hitting the mark (and get help if it’s not).

  • experience collection projects developing a system to assist with collecting profiling experience across the firm (eg in profiles, proposals, tenders or submissions).

  • website rebuild & rebrand projects require knowledge of what you need and the ability to assess what you’re receiving. Project managing the redevelopment of a website to ensures the end results will be an effective marketing tool - not just an online brochure. (note: I do not develop but can demystify developer/designer talk and ensure you’re getting a sustainable, cost effective solution).

  • industry-based campaigns to increase awareness or build credibility of your brand among clients you and/or your firm wants with targeted content, ads and/or events strategically promoted within your industry of focus.

  • event specific support to ensure that you maximise your investment in an event, and achieve the most effective profiling you can you before, during and after it.

  • case study development & collection to ensure firms capture usable examples of the true value they add to their clients.

  • content repurposing to make each piece of content go as far as it can, rather than continuously creating original content.

  • social media profile setup and training, including individual and company pages, visual and copywriting to support individual and team aims.

  • tender, capability & flyers development, including copywriting tailored to client type/target audience.

  • social media management, using collaborative drafting for thought leadership, preambles for posts, visuals and scheduling.

  • proposal template upgrades developed by working with practice areas to review and develop a standardised approach to common questions.


How do you charge?

I don’t have an hourly rate. I’m lucky I never have. I believe hourly billing is unfair to everyone involved - why get paid for dragging something out or taking longer than you should (or paid less for being effective enough to do it faster)?

Instead, I price all work up front based on your objectives and agreed outcomes. It’s pretty much how you buy most things, right? If there’s a change in scope, I let you know an we work out a variation - simple.

Value Guarantee: If you’re not happy with the work, I genuinely appreciate the feedback - we talk about why and arrive at a price that reflects the value you think you’ve received. This way, you’ll get a fair price and I will learn how to better my business.

Do you do websites?

While well versed in websites, I edit them but I don’t develop them - there are a huge number of fantastic developers who can get your site up and running faster and cheaper than I can.

What I can do is help you with your existing website (editing etc) or develop a brief for a website that will meet your needs (including budget), outsource and manage the project for you and minimise the back and forth for you.

Note: I do recommend you have professional brand guidance in place before a web project or included as part of a web project.

Do you ghost write?

Particularly with legal articles, no. I don’t think this is a great idea in general. Unless you’re using a legal professional to draft (and I don’t yet know any that do this well - if you do, definitely let me know), the resulting articles are often unfocused, impersonal and basic - none of the above will add value to your audience or position you as a thought leader.

I’d rather do a ‘pick your brains’ type mastermind session with you so I can help you develop your own articles that will showcase your experience, ‘speak’ to your audience and reflect your skill-set, or draft content based on discussion with you and help you refine it to to make it your own.