Google yourself.

What is the first thing you, personally, do when you get a referral? GOOGLE.

Therefore it makes perfect sense to Google your name, your business name and a combination of them - just as your prospective clients do.

How to check your online brand:

Next time you have 5 minutes do this:

  1. Google your name in parentheses [“name”]

  2. Google your name as above together with your business name and/or location

  3. Google your name with a few keywords related to your profession - lawyer, consultant, etc.

TIP: use the incognito window or 'private' mode in your browser to get an unbiased version.

Review what Page 1 has to offer. Check page 2 - don’t stress (yet) if you’re not there, just be aware. Also review what Google Images returns - make sure your professional photos have your name in the filename.

Sure the latest SEO and various algorithms will affect individual searches - just at least be across what the general results are. Even if you’re not there - you will at least see what your clients are seeing when they look you up.


If you have another 10 minutes spare. Search yourself across various platforms. Facebook & LinkedIn are search engines -what does your public profile look like? These profiles will generally always make Google’s Page 1 results.

Don't forget YouTube, the worlds second largest search engine.

By the way, did you know your YouTube account is often linked to your Gmail account - which is usually signed in by default? Your TV could also be linked to your profile…

It’s also worth noting what possible profiles a client could confuse you with - there’s likely multiple profiles with your name. Is it clear what one is you?

Tip: Check your personal playlists aren’t mixed in with business ones - consider starting your own brand account to help ensure clients can find the correct “you” as intended - or at least revising the odd playlists featuring electro-dance workouts you thought would be useful.


It is worthwhile checking your online appearance once a month - or - think of it like reputation hygiene, Google yourself when you get your next hair cut.


Hopefully nothing shocking discovered.

You can use this info as a base line for your online marketing moving forward.

What do you want prospective clients/referrers to see when they search you? Do you need to add more images of yourself to profiles (or make your image public if it’s currently private), customise your LinkedIn URL so it’s easier to find you, add more details about yourself and your profession (optimise for relevant keywords…), publish articles on LinkedIn or Medium (with your name as the author!) to help ensure it’s clear which John Smith you are.

- or just keep across what is published about you, referencing you or your business name. If you’re happy just monitoring, it may be worthwhile setting up a Google alert or use BuzzSumo for the above searches.


Pricing the Concorde


On Being Busy.